czwartek, 6 stycznia 2011

yeah ian, just a little bit\\

I was honestly concerned about the future of Rachael, after the bassist Bartek Jastrzebski left the group in early November. Well, idly, because guys are doing fine, if not better than they did before. To count up partnership with the ex-bassist they realised new EP 'add a little bit of tabacco' which you can and you should download from their new page (follow the link below). They have also find themselfs a new fit and fresh (and indie) bassist - Domink.

O hai Dominik! Welcome aboard.

Furthermore on New Year's Eve morning we joined Rachael during rehearsal. It was really nice watching these guys playing the old and new EP's songs with the new fellow member, who under the chastening glance of Michał Kropiński was finding his own way for the old basselines. (rozkurwał kosmos) We also had a chance to see Rachael's creating process. Through the liters of vodka and the psychedelic sound of confusion they gave a birth to the new track(s). Seriously now. Writing this songs seemed very easy for them. The final effect was rad. I'm looking forward to the new recordings to come Thanks for having us guys!

If you wanna see Rachael live, you NEED to come and join the celebration of Niezal Codzienny first birthday on 4 Feb in Sen Pszczoły.

The Rachael's page with the EP is HERE.
The event page is HERE.

And yes of course i couldn't help myself. Here are come pictures.

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