wtorek, 22 października 2013

foals forever //

pojechałam do warszawy spokojna. widziałam foals już 4 razy i mimo, że to jeden z trzech moich ulubionych zespołów nie odczuwałam większej ekscytacji. przeglądając setlisty uznałam, że wszystko już widziałam i koncert wyobrażałam sobie jako idealnie zagrany, ale bez większych niespodzianek.

a potem oni wyszli na scenę. kolejno: jimmy, jack, edwin, walter i yannis. usłyszałam krzyk tłumu i pierwsze dźwięki 'prelude'. kiedy zaczynali grać 'total life forever' byłam już zaczarowana. czasami odrywałam wzrok od sceny i patrzyłam na moich znajomych, na obcych ludzi i miałam to przyjemne wrażenie, że ich też zaczarowali. kilka osób przyznało się do tego, że niektóre kawałki na żywo wzruszyły ich do łez (blue blood, milk, late night). ku zaskoczeniu (głównie mojemu) zagrali 'hummer', ze standardowej koncertowej dwunastki zrobili czternastkę i zeszli ze sceny. kiedy spotkaliśmy się po koncercie na palarni panowała cisza, jedyne co potrafiliśmy z siebie wydusić to 'ja pierdolę'. 

dzięki dla moich kochanych ziomeczków, dla steven'a i tary oraz ogromne propsy dla genialnej polskiej publiki, która dała się porwać. //

i would like to say thank you to my awesome friends for all the fun, steven and tara for letting me in. 
and for the band for the western feeling.//

FOALS are:
yannis, edwin, jack, jimmy and walter 

find me:
instagram: @margeemetz\

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wtorek, 9 kwietnia 2013

heart+soul part one //

well, i could write a lot. everyone is writing a lot about the show, the record, the band, so you know it all.
i will keep it simple. goes like this:

i am very fucking proud of myself because i did not escape from under the stage to hide in a church when brmc entered the stage.

here are some shoots (of robert levon been) i took in berlin. i will post some more shortly, but so far i have this and i couldn't wait to share them. stay tuned. for more berlin photos visit my lovely and talented friend's page: 28mm.

and one more thing for tonight. one of many thank yous i want to say.

grant, thank you for making my dream come true //

środa, 6 marca 2013

he is a hurricane //

a cold winter night a few months ago. i was sitting bored, watching some random videos on youtube. emotionless, until i heard this: 

a few views later i was singing along. a few days later i bought 'sunken ships' and the record is on my ipod ever since. a few months later i took my camera and went to berlin. i had to see this lovely young wizard live. the lights turned off, the steam covered the stage and the first thing that i saw was a pair of glowing creepers, than the owner of these peculiar footwear - asbjørn. 

at first when the sound hit my ears i didn't know what should i do. i hardly remembered i was supposed to take photos in here. i stood there hypnotized by the way asbjørn dances around like no one was watching while singing his songs flawless. never before have i seen someone who is preforming this way. honest, straight from a young man's heart. 

guess i wasn't the only one who caught the vibe. the german audience (which i consider to be a very tough one) got carried away as well. some of them even too far and thought it would be cool to sit on the stage during the show. asbjørn coped with that with a simple, classy 'hello to the lady'. well, no surprise. no attention seekers can dim the true talent on stage and i think (and hope) asbjørn know about this well.

i usually don't write in here, but damn i am impressed. all of the songs sounded perfect. she is a hurricane, bones, the criminal, hunger, ears, the new song - pure perfection. and how does he manage to sing and dance like that at the same time. i am looking forward for a new material and a next show. maybe poland this time, huh? 


congratulation, asbjørn. you are a hurricane. //

all the photos by margee wanda metz
from asbjørn's show in berlin //